Media Access provide data protection compliant national and international research facilities for professional journalists, researchers, news editors and the public.
Media Access in-house databases provide newsrooms/journalists/researchers access to accredited journalists and press agencies, operating within the UK and throughout the world, all of whom, have previously been employed at an international/national level.
Other services include:-
Media Research and Journalists
Media Services for the Public
Corporate Media Services
"The power to mould the future ……will be in the hands of the journalist of future generations"
- Joseph Pulitzer -
Media Access provide data protection compliant national and international research facilities for professional journalists, researchers, news editors and the public. Media Access in-house databases provide newsrooms/journalists/researchers access to accredited journalists and press agencies, operating within the UK and throughout the
Media Access specialise in location tracing, genealogical research, social media research and has compiled databases of journalists operating within the UK and globally. All research complies with the prevailing legislation and involves data protection compliant investigation Media Access operate 24/7, 365 days a year
Our Genealogical research extends far beyond standard research databases. The staff at Media Access will consult archived directories, non-digitised public records, forces databases and historic copies of once published books and listings. Inevitably, the research starts with the information initially
To allow newsrooms, journalists and researchers to access suitably qualified journalists, worldwide, Media Access has compiled databases of journalists operating world wide, who are willing to contract to main titles, researchers and broadcasters.To confirm professional capability, all journalists in the
Media Access has compiled databases, detailing journalists and press agencies worldwide, who would be willing to accept instructions from news organisations. If you are a journalist and wish to be included in the databases, please email Media Access at
Within the UK, a majority of journalists and press agencies are not registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO) and are unaware of the statutory requirements to do so. All journalists and media organisations, who retain personal information on
The Media Access team have been engaged with the media for over 25 years and have an instinctive feel for a potential story; Media Access will happily advise you in respect of the newsworthiness of your particular enquiry or public
At Media Access, we direct all potential whistleblowers to a UK press agency, established in 1997, which has offices in the UK and the USA. The Agency acts in accordance with an Ethical Charter and will provide you with various
At Media Access our staff advise clients how to deal with the excesses of the media and how to prepare a response to mitigate any potentially damaging situation, or reduce the impacts of any information in possession of the media,
Supposedly, there is a book in everyone, unfortunately it does not follow there is an author in most of us. Writing a book is time consuming and if the manuscript does not follow an orderly structure, publication will be little
All organisations should have a Whistle Blowing policy in place to protect, not only the staff but the integrity of the business. This is particularly the case in the age of the “Me Too” movement and complaints about harassment and
Media Access supports a series of charities operating in non-developed countries and the directors will donate 5% of the company’s net profit to charitable causes. The supported charities will change every three months.